The companies we work with Read a detailed case study of how we have worked, or continue to work, with each of the companies below. KM Installations is proud to handle all office moves and churn in Discovery Health’s head office in Sandton.Read More Since September 2014, KM Installations has been manufacturing and supplying all office seating for Old Mutual Finance.Read More For well over a decade, KM Installations has been supplying Metropolitan Health Group branches throughout South Africa with office chairs.Read More We have been doing office moves for Momentum’s sister company, Metropolitan, for over 18 years. When the two companies combined in 2010, Momentum engaged our company to carry out office moves.Read More Since July 2011, KM Installations has been assisting Amazon’s South African office by providing it with high-quality office chairs, as well as on-going churn management and relocation services.Read More KM Installations provides Foschini with relocation services for internal and external moves. This includes moves from floor to floor and building to building, as well as nationwide moves, when and where required.Read More From January 2014, KM Installations has been assisting Liberty Life in Johannesburg by providing complete relocation and churn management services.Read More Contact Us Get in touch with a friendly representative today. What are you interested in?Internal MoveCorporate RelocationsFurniture Management ChurnJohannesburgCape TownSubmit form